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Welcome! The Greybull Recreation District is dedicated to providing the community with high quality, diverse recreational opportunities at an affordable price.


We provide a variety of programs throughout the year.  These include sports, fitness, arts & crafts, and special interests. 


Adults and youth alike can enjoy the programs the Greybull Recreation District provides.  We are committed to offering opportunities to expand interests, promote health, and enjoy life! 

Mission Statement
The Greybull Recreation District will provide a variety of safe, diversified, affordable recreational opportunities to all its residents. 

Vision Statement
It is the vision of the Greybull Recreation District to create a happy and healthy community where residents can live, learn, work and play. 

Organizational Values
â–ª Inclusion- emphasizing a fun environment where residents and staff feel socially, emotionally and physically secure. 

â–ª Quality- meeting our community’s needs in an effective, engaging, affordable and efficient manner. 

â–ª Responsibility- preserving and maximizing resources, fiscal integrity, promoting a safe environment and professionalism.

â–ª Community- maintaining and improving community resources through partnerships, communication, volunteering and events.

â–ª Responsive – providing flexible service that is in tune to the needs of the community as well as changing social and economic patterns.


Generally, board meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 pm.  Please contact the office at:  765-9575 to confirm meeting dates and times.  

GRD Rules & Regulations
GRD Personnel Policies

Procedure for Complaints 

Complaint Form


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The Greybull Recreation District office is located at: 527 1st Avenue South in Greybull WY. 


Office Hours:  Mon-Thurs 12:30p-5:30p

                       Friday 9:00a-1:00p


Mailing Address:  527 1st Ave. S.

                            Greybull, WY 82426


Phone:  (307) 765-9575


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Recreation Board Members:


Mark Fritz
(307) 202-0638


Vice President:

Mart Hinckley




Sherri Wilkinson
(307) 899-4358


Nancy Nelson


April Brown


Bette Rae Jones


Blaine Jolley



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